Columbus, 23 November 2014
Video ini merupakan rangkaian
kisah singkat tentang bagaimana perjalanan saya dalam merajut cita-cita.
Cita-cita yang saya rajut melalui mimpi-mimpi. Satu persatu mimpi saya mulai
terwujud, salah satunya tentang bagaimana saya bisa sampai di Amerika. Semuanya
itu adalah buah dari kesabaran dan ketekunan dalam mewujudkan mimpi. Semoga
dalam video ini Anda dapat menemukan pesan singkat berupa sikap hidup yang bisa
Anda pelajari ketika banyak faktor yang sepertinya menghentikan semangat Anda
untuk meraih mimpi-mimpi. Saya sangat terbuka untuk menerima respon dan
pertanyaan dari para penonton.
far do you believe that someday your dream will come true?
Some people argue that in having a dream, people may not need
to have high dream if they do not want to fall and get hurt. To me, life
without having a dream is just the same like traveling without having purpose.
When I was in elementary level, I was really passionate to
travel around the world. One country I want to travel is America. This country
is considered as a dream country for some people, especially me. I keep my
belief to travel this country until it comes true.
After graduating from high school in a small village where I
was brought up, I continued my bachelor study in the State University of
Surabaya. I decided to enroll in education majoring in Teacher Education in
Elementary Education. The first time I, even till now, could see how some
people undermined this program. They argue that the students would only be a
teacher in a small village with the small salary. Again, I just kept in my mind that people would have wrong argument
about the program I took.
There were several people already
know that I plan to pursue my study overseas. Each time they met me, they used
to ask “hey, when will you go abroad? You still here? Do you cancel your plan?
Have you graduated from Australia or America?” They never asked me the question
that I really want to share such as “how is the process you have so far in
applying to international overseas university?” Well, I keep my eyes on the prize. Their response encourages me to have
stronger belief that my dream is already in front of me. I need to step forward
to achieve it because Opportunity arises with hard work.
The day comes to me to prove that the Teacher Education in
Elementary Education program is a prestigious one. I had a chance to be
interviewed by a scholarship from US government. It was the time when my dream was getting one step closer. On that
moment, I decided to apply in elementary education field. It was surprised me
when I gave explanation about my concern in taking elementary education field.
The interviewers have the same opinion that my country needs some improvement
in education from the basic level. When I explain my research topic to them
about increasing students’ critical thinking in learning process, they argue
that it is essential skill for them in order to improve their curiosity. They
nodded several times, signaling that they agree with me. Finally, I got the
scholarship, the one that I really wanted.
The moment I applied was pretty tough. I have to meet with
the requirement such as teaching license I have to obtain from the state in US.
It brought me to the option to apply in the Ohio State University. After I
looked the program carefully, I found what I want to learn was provided by this
university. In addition, the program I chose was ranked among top 10 best
university in the U.S., according to the Best Graduate School website. In brief,
after submitting mandatory documents, I was accepted to be a Buckeye.
Through the dream that I have, it brings me to where I am
staying now. I am studying the U.S. in one of the great university majoring the
program that beneficial for my country. What’s more, the process so far brings
me to meet with several Indonesians leaders. It was a great moment.
you can see, my story illustrates that patience is being rewarded.
AGAIN!! No matter what people say, just
believe that you can make your dream happen. You can be whatever you want to
The obstacles you have during the process of achieving your dream, lead
you know the right attitude how to response those obstacles.